We work with buying and selling of real estate and rural areas. We in the city in Central Brazil Uberlândia, work with sale and purchase of hotel, business, large areas, reforestation, agricultural products with coffee and oil. Make an appointment enie email to vendas@thiagocorretor.com.br
Code: 221
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Araxá / MG
Value: R $ 2,480,000.00
Property details:
Are 410 hectares or 84.7 acres miners, Araxa, Minas Gerais, ranch for sale. Flat topography, grids, sub-solada, limestone, gypsum, curve-level, ready for planting, 100% documentation. Home, energy, dam, rich in water source inside, red soil, altitude 1.100m, large projects neighbors. Only 10km asphalt. Excellent business, great price, your agent visit.
Total area of land: 410 acres
Code: 223
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Miracema / TO
Value: R $ 890,000.00
Property details:
Farm for sale in Miracema do Tocantins - TO, on the BR 153, between Paradise and the Tocantins Barrolândia. With total of 79 acres or 382.3 hectares, with approximately 50 acres trained, good seat, shed for tractors and implements, house w / dump, three-phase power, the first corral, with brete and electronic scale, artesian well of 93 meters of and deep deposit of 25,000 lts of water, the dam side of the seat, 50% fit for planting soybeans, sugar cane and other crops, excellent for creating of broilers by North Chicken for being at 40 Km City Paradise of where the company is located.
Total area of land: 382.3 hectares
Code: 224
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Santa Vitória / MG
Value: R $ 1,760,000.00
Property details:
Farm located in the city of Santa Vitoria, the region Triangle Mineiro. Miners are 55 acres or 226.2 hectares. Located only 18 km from the plant, 30 km from the city with 12 km of land. Pasture very good, all formed in Brachiaria and andropogon, has 2 retreats, rich in water (02 streams), curralama good, home, shed. Farm land with 50% red. Schedule a visit, 50% owner accepts deadline for entry and remaining in 01 years or more (to match).
Total area of land: 226.2 hectares
Code: 225
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Santa Vitória / MG
Value: R $ 1,920,000.00
Property details:
Farm located only 14 km from the city, 30 km from the plant. Miners are 60 acres or 290.4 hectares formed. It has established good, all surrounded by barbed wire 05 smooth, very good water, streams, reservoirs with more than 40,000 lts, 30 divisions of grass. Opportunity exclente, good and cheap farm. Schedule a visit.
Total area of land: 290.4 hectares
Code: 226
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Campina Verde / MG
Value: R $ 1,130,000.00
Property details:
Farm for sale in the Triangle, city of Campina Verde, miners are 39 acres or 188.7 hectares. It has good box office, energy, curral, artesian well, reservoir, 02 dams. Excellent location, just 4 km away from the asphalt. Farm all assembled, schedule a visit.
Total area of land: 188.7
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